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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Gst202 TMA solution

GST202 List of Questions

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Q1 Which pair is not a method of peaceful settlement of dispute?

Q2 Which pair is not an organ of African Unity?

Q3 The name organisation of African Unity (OAU) metamorphosed to African Unity in

Q4 The Organisation of African unity (OAU) Was born on 25 May, 1963 in

Q5 Which organisation of UNO stands for the promotion of education and culture among others?

Q6 Which is not an agency of UNO?

Q7 Who is the current secretary general of united nations organisation?

Q8 The foremost officer of the United Nations is

Q9 Which year was United Nations organisation formed?

Q10 Which is true of an international organisation?

Q11 The Acronym ECOWAS is

Q12 As a principle of conflict management negotiation requires __________

Q13 The goal of negotiation (Jeong 2000: 168) is "to ______ agreement through joint decision making between parties

Q14 Conflict management does not include?

Q15 Which conflict may be non-resolvable?

Q16 Which is not a vestige of commonwealth history on her members?

Q17 Which assistance attracts permission from EEC members before Britain offers it to any commonwealth member?

Q18 Which member of the Commonwealth in 1961 ceased to be a member because of its apartheid policy?

Q19 The Commonwealth of Nation is a voluntary association of former ________ colonies

Q20 ECOWAS is a

Q21 For conflict management practitioners to have a clear picture of issues he must use one of the following analytical tools __________

Q22 One of the following is not part of the pre-intervertion conflict analysis _____________

Q23 The party that often hide their identities during conflict situation but supply primary party is called ________

Q24 There are two major types of power that can be exercised during conflict. They are _________________

Q25 For a conflict analyst all the following are essentials except ________

Q26 The elements required to structure analysis of stakeholder include the following except

Q27 The criteria for determining stakeholders include all the following except __________

Q28 All these are cartegories of stakeholders except ______

Q29 ________ are those men and women group or parties who are directly or indirectly involved in conflict and its outcome

Q30 ________ is the critical review interpretation and explanation of what is observed and recorded about conflict situation

Q31 The graphical representation of the conflict in which of the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is called ________

Q32 In the second model, at what point will parties in conflict show respect for differences and look for ways to end problem_______

Q33 Which of these conflict handling styles can be grouped under the second model _______________

Q34 When you are partially assertive and partially cooperative in a conflict handing process, it regarded as ____________

Q35 A conflict handing style that is characterized as unassertive and cooperative is called _______

Q36 The process which involve monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process___________

Q37 The dimension of behaviour that can be used to explain or define conflict handing styles include all the following except ______

Q38 The two basic dimension of conflict handling styles are _______________

Q39 The resolution phase is characterised by all these except_________________

Q40 Which of these best described the mitigated phase in conflict resolution?____________

Q41 At the point when conflicting parties have temporarily exhausted their supply of weaponry, leading to lower intensity is called __________

Q42 At what definte phase will violence breed further violence producing an escalatory momentum

Q43 The phase of conflict that is characterised by direct physical attacks and confrontation leading to spilling of blood and loss of life is known as ___________

Q44 At what phase according to Bjon Mollar will conflicting parties express their demands and grieveances openly, but only by legal means

Q45 Conflict is related to meaning, meaning to knowledge and knowledge is rooted in __________

Q46 The individualism in conflict transformation posited that " A collectivist society is __________ an individual society is ______

Q47 Ethnicity and nationalism are the creation of elites who draw upon distorted and fabricated materials from culture of the group to gain political and economics advantage. This position is an extracts from

Q48 Going by the assumption on ethnicity and conflict __________ argued that ethnicity and nationalism are not given but are social and political construction

Q49 The theory which sees conflict as dysfunctional, abnormal and a disease which can be endemic to a society is called ______

Q50 Conflict was viewed as having a constructive contribution towards a healthy industrial order. This is according to _________________

Q51 Conflict tends to evolve in a ___________ patterns

Q52 Which of these communities do not see conflict as negative in their language

Q53 Some trade actors or network that may involve in causing or exacerbating conflict include those in ______________

Q54 Which of these is not a proposition on roles according to turner

Q55 Going by the paper on Danida conference on Conflict Prevention and Peace Building in Africa, at what phase can a conflict be easily nipped in the bud

Q56 Which of these is not an indicator of impending conflict

Q57 At what stage of conflict situation will parties involved begin to experience gradual cessation of hostifity

Q58 Which of these stages is characterized by the formation of enemy images

Q59 Which of the following is not a barrier to social perception____________

Q60 Some of the tribal conflict in Nigeria can be traced to ______________

Q61 Conflict and competition are two point on a continum. Which of these statements is correct

Q62 The definition of conflict as opposition among social entities directed against one another can be credited to _________

Q63 Which of the following statement best deseribes conflict

Q64 Conflict could arise as a result of differences in _________

Q65 Which of these does not agree with conflict

Q66 The term conflict is derived from the latin word_____________

Q67 All the following are possible causes of conflict except _________________

Q68 The theory of emergence of charismatic leader who could moslize the sub-ordinate can be traced to ______________

Q69 The proletariats are called _____________

Q70 The philosopher who opined that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generate inherent conflict of interest is _____________

Q71 Which of these classicication of conflict is most prevalent in africa

Q72 All these are type of conflict except ______________

Q73 Cold war, terrorism religious conflicts are examples of _____________

Q74 The conflict of "fulfillment progression" is related to the theory of _______________

Q75 Which of these cause of conflict is related to maslow theory of need

Q76 The marxian theory of conflict is about ______________

Q77 Conflict has been described as a normal, natural and inevitable phenomenon in any interactive situation of human life. This description can be deascribed as ________

Q78 One of the listed options does not portray the true meaning of conflict

Q79 One of the following will make an individual more accomodating and appreciative of other personality._________

Q80 Which of the following generally precipitate conflict ______________

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