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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

ENT301 TMA Solution

ENT301 List of Questions

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Q1 The import substitution policy's operational strategy was�?��?��?�

Q2 �?��?��?��?�.is a technique where parents create a laissez faire environment.

Q3 �?��?��?��?�.. include all the individual incidents and experiences that influence the development of entrepreneurial personality.

Q4 The �?��?��?��?�. extolled the virtues of free trade, specialization, and competition

Q5 Schumpeter (1934) described entrepreneurship as a driver of

Q6 �?��?��?��?�... defines personality traits as �??stable qualities that a person shows in most situations

Q7 �?��?��?�.cultural entrepreneurship model model says that new venture is created by the influence of one�??s culture.

Q8 �?��?�..is the first social context identified by Reynolds.

Q9 Reynolds (1991) has identified �?��?�... social contexts that relates to entrepreneurial opportunity.

Q10 �?��?��?��?�..implies how firm-specific advantages could drive, simultaneously a tendency towards increasing industrial concentration.

Q11 �?��?��?�..implies that opportunities for creating future goods and services are discovered, evaluated and exploited

Q12 �?��?��?��?�is concerned with search for a for application of more than product and service development

Q13 �?��?�. in 1725 introduced the term �??entrepreneur�?� to refer to the risk bearing function in economics.

Q14 �?��?��?�stated that the differentiated an inventor from an innovator, indicating that an inventor discovers new methods and new materials but an innovator utilizes inventions and discoveries to produce new combinations

Q15 �?��?��?�involves the act or process of identifying a product, service or idea that will constitute the venture.

Q16 �?��?��?��?��?�.was focused on the production and export of primary products in the category of raw materials

Q17 The Import Substitution era was from �?��?�..to�?��?�

Q18 Theory of �?�.. presents innovation as the major factor in developing new products (and services) and in catalyzing investment interest in new ventures

Q19 Employment generation is a benefit of �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�..

Q20 �?��?��?��?�.is the major political factor affecting the growth of entrepreneurs in Nigeria

Q21 The import substitution policy's operational strategy was�?��?��?�

Q22 �?��?��?��?�.is a technique where parents create a laissez faire environment.

Q23 �?��?��?��?�.. include all the individual incidents and experiences that influence the development of entrepreneurial personality.

Q24 The �?��?��?��?�. extolled the virtues of free trade, specialization, and competition

Q25 Schumpeter (1934) described entrepreneurship as a driver of

Q26 �?��?��?��?�... defines personality traits as �??stable qualities that a person shows in most situations

Q27 �?��?��?�.cultural entrepreneurship model model says that new venture is created by the influence of one�??s culture.

Q28 �?��?�..is the first social context identified by Reynolds.

Q29 Reynolds (1991) has identified �?��?�... social contexts that relates to entrepreneurial opportunity.

Q30 �?��?��?��?�..implies how firm-specific advantages could drive, simultaneously a tendency towards increasing industrial concentration.

Q31 �?��?��?�..implies that opportunities for creating future goods and services are discovered, evaluated and exploited

Q32 �?��?��?��?�is concerned with search for a for application of more than product and service development

Q33 �?��?�. in 1725 introduced the term �??entrepreneur�?� to refer to the risk bearing function in economics.

Q34 �?��?��?�stated that the differentiated an inventor from an innovator, indicating that an inventor discovers new methods and new materials but an innovator utilizes inventions and discoveries to produce new combinations

Q35 �?��?��?�involves the act or process of identifying a product, service or idea that will constitute the venture.

Q36 �?��?��?��?��?�.was focused on the production and export of primary products in the category of raw materials

Q37 The Import Substitution era was from �?��?�..to�?��?�

Q38 Theory of �?�.. presents innovation as the major factor in developing new products (and services) and in catalyzing investment interest in new ventures

Q39 Employment generation is a benefit of �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�..

Q40 �?��?��?��?�.is the major political factor affecting the growth of entrepreneurs in Nigeria

Q41 Bans and high tariffs on foreign products which can be manufactured locally are effective instruments in the�?��?��?�..

Q42 �?�..type of firms are therefore owned and managed by highly educated professionals with high social awareness and acceptance.

Q43 Self-Actualization is a major reason for �?��?��?��?��?�.

Q44 To what extent do you consider yourself a doer and not an administrator or manager?' is a type of question used to rate �?��?��?�..

Q45 It concerns the entrepreneur's treatment and concern for customers, employees, community, trade associations and competitors, among others.

Q46 The following are technical skills in Entrepreneurship, except;

Q47 �?��?��?��?��?�. in a nation, defines the economic and industrial structure of that nation.

Q48 One of these is a affecting entrepreneurship in Nigeria

Q49 One of these is not a specific benefit of entrepreneurship to economic development

Q50 The �?��?��?��?��?� child in the family is more commonly an entrepreneur in the family.

Q51 The sociological theory is the �?��?��?��?��?��?�.. of the major entrepreneurial theories

Q52 �?��?��?��?��?��?� is an important aspect of personality

Q53 The AMP concentrated on �?��?��?��?� in the context of an economy of knowledge

Q54 What is the full meaning of AMP?

Q55 The economic entrepreneurship theory has deep roots in the �?��?��?��?�. And theories of economic and (AMP).

Q56 Coon (2004), defines personality traits as:

Q57 �?��?��?��?��?� stated in psychological Entrepreneurship theories, "The level of analysis in psychological theories is the individual"

Q58 One of these is a criticism raised against the non-classical conjectures

Q59 "The importance of exchange caplled with diminishing marginal utility is enough impetus for entreprenuership in the non-classical movement" was stated by

Q60 Perfect competiton does not allow �?��?��?��?��?�.. and �?��?��?��?� actitvities

Q61 Classical theory extolled the virtues of all except

Q62 One of these is not the mode of production articulated classical theories.

Q63 Situational developed include all the incidents and experiences that influence �?��?��?��?��?��?�

Q64 An individual is likely to become an entrepreneur if �?��?��?��?��?��?��?� is/was an entrepreneur, 'according to some studies'

Q65 In the 1960s and 1970s, the world "entrepreneur" or "businessman" did not represent desirable personalities this was because.

Q66 Craftmans entrepreneur' is under what view of social profile of the entrepreneur.

Q67 Personality traits of an entrepreneur includes �?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q68 All these are under situational determinants of entrepreneurial personality except.

Q69 The era of indigeneous entrepreneurship started from to?

Q70 Low technological base of Nigeria makes the avaliability of �?��?��?��?��?��?�.. and �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. difficult

Q71 �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. is a destroyer of achievement motivation, hardwork, honest living and econmoic development.

Q72 An entrepreneur is someone who?

Q73 One of these is not a sub-function of entrepreneurship.

Q74 Entrepreneurs are innovative is a grand function of what entrepreneurship concept.

Q75 How many grand functions does an entrepreneur do from the evolutionary concept.

Q76 An important theory of economic growth presents �?��?��?��?��?��?�.. as the major factor in developing new products and services.

Q77 The operatioal stategy for �?��?��?��?��?��?�.. was technology transfed.

Q78 Era of import substitution was from �?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q79 A characteristic feature of the primary commodity era was �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. by colonial power

Q80 How many years did the ' primary comodity era' take place?

Q81 One of these is not a benefit of entrepreneurship to economic development.

Q82 All except one is circumstances that influence of people with respect in the level and social class.

Q83 �?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?� refers to the dominant orientation towards personal achievement free-wheeling openness and energizing republicianismm.

Q84 The influence of culture is an example of �?��?��?��?��?��?� factor that determine personality.

Q85 The four major types of factors that determine personality were described by�?��?��?��?��?�..

Q86 One of theses is a type of enterpreneurship .

Q87 Law firms is an example of �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. type of entrepreneurship.

Q88 Companies which are bought, improved and resold are examples of �?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�..

Q89 Examples of High Technology firms include all except

Q90 Soft drink manufacturers, breweries, banks and insurance companies are examples of�?��?��?��?��?��?��?�

Q91 Small types of business that do not require much capital outlay and do not return much income are known as:

Q92 One of these is not a basic way of developing or encourageing the development of entrepreneurial capability.

Q93 Infrastucture necessary for entrepreneur which are to be provided by government includes all except.

Q94 �?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. Can encourage the developemnt of entrepreneurial capability through display of interest and high expectations in achievements of children.

Q95 In genetics and environemntal inheritance, �?��?��?��?��?��?� has shown that the taicts that can be acquired at childhood from parents during development stages of child.

Q96 A major ingredient for success in entrepreneurship is �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q97 Most Nigerian studies, including that of Okia-Anie, have shown that the modal age range for entrepreneuring is�?��?�..

Q98 Risk taking and innovativeness, need for achievement and tolerance for ambiguity had positive and significant influence on�?��?��?�..

Q99 Need for achievement theory by McClelland (1961) explained that�?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q100 "Locus of control', this concept was first introduced by�?��?��?��?��?��?�

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