ENT204 List of Questions
Latex formatted questions may not properly renderQ1 ________ is when quality is defined in terms of cost and prices as well as number of other attributes.
Q2 _________ Quality triology emphasized the roles of quality planning, qualitycontrol and quality improvement.
Q3 _________ prescribed fourteen measures to cure the crisis of quality.
Q4 The ________ cycle provides opportunities for continuous evaluation andimprovement.
Q5 Which of the following is a Guideline for Effective Team Participation.
Q6 Which of the following is Characteristics of a Well Functioning Work Team.
Q7 Which one of the following is NOT among the factors affecting team building.
Q8 Which of the following stages is involved in team building.
Q9 _________ stage involves what is the cause of the problem.
Q10 Members of the work-team diagnose how they work-together and plan changes that will affect their effectiveness.
Q11 ________ is the process of helping the work team become more effective in accomplishing its tasks/roles and in satisfying the needs of the team members.
Q12 _________ is in the middle of the model because it is a shared responsibility of every team member.
Q13 ________ involves regularly reviewing mistakes in a non-recriminatory way and establishing guidelines to prevent them from reoccurring.
Q14 ________ this is an evaluative phase.
Q15 ________ addresses the output aspects of any decision.
Q16 ________ is action oriented and ensures that the team will implement agreed solutions and assign accountabilities and responsibilities.
Q17 _________ sessions focus on which ideas are likely to work and how can they be tested for verification.
Q18 _________ role ensures that the work team will spend time discussion ideas around the problems being faced.
Q19 When faced with a difficult problem, the starting point for team discussion is _________
Q20 Team learning is NOT fundamental to the performance of a team
Q21 Work teams develop over time and go through _________ distinct stages of development.
Q22 Work teams can exist in isolation.
Q23 Which one of the following is NOT a type of work-team in an organization.
Q24 Team work allows work organization to blend people with different kinds of knowledge together, without differences rupturing the fabric of the organization.
Q25 Work team offers the potential and prospect for positive growth and development in the area of entrepreneurial development.
Q26 It is essentially a desirable adaptation in creating a sharper vision and engender better approaches to performance delivery in this changing business environment.
Q27 __________ is an instrument of sustained and enduring success in business ventures.
Q28 Entrepreneurs may develop a company to a mature phase and then hire a good team of managers to run the business on a daily basis.
Q29 Some entrepreneurs adjust to the growing business and use their skills to build a company that is strong enough to let the founder be entrepreneurial again.
Q30 __________ has become an increasingly common practice, an opportunity for small firms.
Q31 Christensen and Overdorf maintain that when an organization faces the same sort of problem that its processes and values were designed to address, managing can be straightforward.
Q32 The factors that define capabilities and disabilities evolve over time - they start in resources, then move to visible, articulated processes and values, and finally migrate to culture.
Q33 Which one of the following is NOT among the 3 factors that affect organizational responses to different changes according to Christensen and Overdorf.
Q34 __________ theory states that changes in attitudes lead to changes in behaviour.
Q35 According to__________ the approach to strategic change is characterized a process of artfully blending �??formal analysis, behavioural techniques and power politics to bring about cohesive step-by-step movement towards ends which were initially conceived.
Q36 Which of the following according to Thurley (1979) described the five approaches to managing change.
Q37 Thurley (1979) described the following _________approaches to managing change.
Q38 Which one of the following is NOT a mechanism for change according to Lewin's model.
Q39 Which of the following are approaches to organizational effectiveness.
Q40 Effectiveness is the ability to excel at one or more output goals.
Q41 ________ is the process of meeting organizational objectives, prevailing societal expectations in the near future, adapting and developing in the intermediate future, and surviving in the distant future.
Q42 Which of the following is a component of a transformational leader.
Q43 Transformational leadership is comprised of ________ basic components.
Q44 _________ is a process of engendering higher levels of motivation and commitment among followers.
Q45 Robson (1996) affirms that if government places a ban on importation of a firm�??s input, production will be impossible, especially when the existing stock of inputs are exhausted.
Q46 Where government policy contradicts the interest of a firm, the firm can NOT be adversely affected.
Q47 Sufficient capital is required to buy the needed fixed assets for a firm.
Q48 When risk associated with investment decisions are not properly evaluated, the survival of a firm will be threatened.
Q49 Which one of the following is a cause of corporate failure.
Q50 Some entrepreneur do NOT adjust to the growing business and use their skills to build a company that is strong enough to let the founder be entrepreneurial again.
Q51 When faced with a growing company, the entrepreneur often makes a conscious decision to limit company growth or even reduce the company size.
Q52 Which of the following is an economic incentives.
Q53 Entrepreneurship and economic growth take place when the economic conditions are favourable.
Q54 Sociological approach does not try to explain the social conditions from which entrepreneur emerge and the social factors that influence their decision to become entrepreneurs.
Q55 Performance of the entrepreneur is contingent on _________ factors
Q56 _________ patterns are determined by reinforcing and aversive stimuli present in the societal context, such rewards and punishments not being limited to the child-rearing period entrepreneurial behaviour.
Q57 Weber identified the positive change that took place in public attitudes towards entrepreneurship after the reformation in the western world and proposed that Protestantism had helped bring about this change.
Q58 The accurate description of Weber�??s paradigm might be �??the development ethics and the spirit protestant ethic.
Q59 ________ascribes the inculcation of the achievement motive to child rearing practices which stress standard of excellence, maternal warmth, self-reliance training and a low father dominance.
Q60 New venture creation is fraught with risk and financing of such ventures is referred to as risk capital.
Q61 Entrepreneurs do NOT face uncertain and irregular incomes.
Q62 Especially in the early years of a business, the entrepreneur often works extremely long hours, possibly six or seven days each week.
Q63 Which one of the following is NOT a disadvantage of Entrepreneurship.
Q64 Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of Entrepreneurship.
Q65 Which of the following is a characteristics of a successful Entrepreneur.
Q66 The concept of entrepreneurship does NOT involve the consideration of a number of opportunities to enhance living standards and business profits.
Q67 Entrepreneurship involves the creation process-creating something new of value.
Q68 The concept of an entrepreneur is further refined when principles and terms from a business, managerial, and personal perspective are considered.
Q69 Adam Smith's book titled the "the wealth of nation" was written in _________ year.
Q70 Entrepreneurs often see things in a holistic sense; they can see the �??big picture�?� when others see only the parts.�??
Q71 _________has been defined as a person�??s belief in his or her capability to perform a task.
Q72 The word entrepreneurship derived from _________ century.
Q73 Nearly every authority on entrepreneurship recognizes the importance of self-motivation and self-determination for entrepreneurial success.
Q74 Entrepreneurs are NOT confident in their abilities and the business concept.
Q75 Many successful entrepreneurs succeeded only after they had failed several times.
Q76 An entrepreneur must NOT have more than a casual interest in the business because he or she must overcome many hurdles and obstacles.
Q77 Which one of the following is a factor that influences Entrepreneurship.
Q78 Most economists today agree that entrepreneurship is a necessary ingredient for stimulating economic growth and employment opportunities in all societies.
Q79 _________ viewed entrepreneurship as an �??established way of doing business are destroyed by the creation of new and better ways to do them.
Q80 Entrepreneurship is derived from the _______ term �??entreprendre�?� which means to undertake, to pursue opportunities, to fulfill the needs and wants through innovation and starting businesses.
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