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Monday, August 5, 2019

ECO314 Past Question



A firm produces an alloy having the following specifications:
(i)specific gravity≤0.98,
(iii)melting point≥450°C.
Raw materials A, B and  C having the properties show ninth table can be used to make the alloy.

Properties of raw material


Specific gravity
Melting point


Costs of the various raw materials pert on are:#90 for A,#280 for B and #40 for C.Formulate the L.P model to find the proportions in which A,B and C be used to obtain analoy of desired properties while the cost of raw materials is minimum.

(Total Mark=20%)


What conditions must be satisfied before linear programming can be used for

optimization problems?                                                                                                       
List and explain the assumptions in linear programming models.  (11 Mark)

(Total Mark=17%)


Define operations research.                                                                             (3 Mark)

Discuss the scope of operations research in financial management.    (8 Mark)

List the various schemes by which models can be classified.                (6 Mark)

(Total Mark=17%)


What are the most popular priority rules for job sequencing?(8 Mark)

What are the components of inventory carrying cost?           (9 Mark)

(Total Mark=17%)


Assuming eight jobs are waiting to be processed.  The processing time and due dates for the jobs are given below:










Determine the sequence processing according to First Come,First Serve (FCFS)

in the light of the following criteria:

Average flow time

Average number of jobs in the system

Average job lateness
Utilization of the workers.

(17 Mark)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ent301 Past Question



Course Code: ENT 301                                           Credit Unit: 2
Time Allowed: 2 1/2 Hours
Instructions: 1. Attempt question number one (1) and any other (2) questions.
2. Question number 1 carries 30 marks, while the other questions
carry 20 marks each.

3. Present all your points in coherent and orderly manner

Question 1
a. Discuss how genetics and environmental inheritance influence children ethics
to become entrepreneurs. (10 marks)
b. Entrepreneurial ethics are central to success of an entrepreneur. How can an
entrepreneur achieve this? (10 marks)
c. How do children inherit parental characteristics in entrepreneurship? (10

Question 2
a. Smith in 1967 opined that there are two major types of .entrepreneurs. Identify
and discuss them. (10 marks)
b. The social profile of the entrepreneurship is bordered on;
 Early views
 Contemporary views
Explain them in details (10 marks)

Question 3
a. Identify and discuss the personality traits of the entrepreneurs. (10 marks)
b. State the determinants of Entrepreneurial Personality. (10 marks)

Question 4
a. Discuss the Influence of Role and the social class ( 20 marks)

Question 5
Write short notes on any two (2) of the following;
 Classical Theory (10 marks)
 Neo-classical Theory (10 marks)
 Austrian Market process(AMP) (10 marks)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

ECO 292

ECO292 List of Questions

Latex formatted questions may not properly render

Q1 A shift of the demand curve to the left indicates an increase in demand

Q2 What CANNOT cause an increase in demand?

Q3 A change in quantity demanded can be in two respects

Q4 When does increase in quantity demanded occurs as a movement downwards on a demand curve?

Q5 The Supply Curve is a graph illustrating how much of a given commodity sellers (firms) would sell at ______________.

Q6 Supply curves are derived from supply schedules

Q7 A higher price means greater profits and thus an incentive to increase the ______________.

Q8 What is Market supply?

Q9 Generally, the higher the number of sellers the grater the supply.

Q10 Expectations about the future price of a product can cause producers to increase or decrease current supply.

Q11 What happens if price of substitute production good rises?

Q12 A subsidy lowers cost of production, so _____________.

Q13 A business tax is treated as a cost, so ______________.

Q14 Which improvement means more efficient production and lower costs, so an increase in supply, or rightward shift in the curve results?

Q15 A decrease in resource prices wil cause an increase in supply or _____________ shift in the supply curve.

Q16 A rise in resource prices will cause a decrease in supply or _____________ shift in supply curve

Q17 Which law states that the higher the price of a commodity, the higher the quantity supplied, if all other things are unchanged?

Q18 Supply curves are derived from supply schedules by plotting price against the quantity supplied with price on the _____________.

Q19 What is the quantity of a commodity sellers wish to sell at each conceivable price?

Q20 Change in quantity demanded refers to_______________ a demand curve as a result of changes in the price of the commodity.

Q21 All the following factors EXCEPT ____________ causes decrease in demand for a commodity

Q22 Which of the following is NOT an example of substitute good?

Q23 the price of the substitute good and demand for the other good are ______________ related.

Q24 Define market demand.

Q25 What is marginal utility?

Q26 The law of demand states that other things being equal, as price increases, the quantity demanded of a commodity _____________.

Q27 Define denad curve.

Q28 A table showing how much of a given commodity a buyer would be willing to buy at different prices is called ___________.

Q29 Which concept remains the most fundamental in economic analysis and constitutes the backbone of a market economy?

Q30 What is referred to as a class of resources that are man-made for the purpose of creating a more efficient production process?

Q31 What encompasses the productive capacity of human physical and/or mental efforts, measured in terms of ability to work or produce goods and services?

Q32 Agricultural land, deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous minerals, water, fisheries, and other aquatic life, wilderness and its multiple products are examples of ____________.

Q33 Traditionally the economic notion of resources classify resources into three broad categories: ______________.

Q34 Resources can be classified from ___________ perspectives

Q35 Define resources.

Q36 What are economic agents?

Q37 When the total market value of the final goods and services produced is attributable to factors of production (labour, capital and natural resources) originating exclusively from a given country, it is termed as ______________.

Q38 In both the product and the factor markets, information about resource scarcity is transmitted through ____________.

Q39 Every choice we make has a cost associated with it. What is the term for this cost?

Q40 What is the most implication of scarcity?

Q41 At no price, the quantity supplied of a free good for instance exceeds the quantity demanded leading to a _____________.

Q42 What is the opposite of a scarce resource?

Q43 The link between the flow of matter-energy in the economic system and the natural environment is very much ignored.

Q44 A typical economy is composed of EXCEPT ___________.

Q45 The fundamental level, central to the neoclassical economics worldview with respect to the natural environment and its role in the economic process are the following four key issues EXCEPT ___________.

Q46 What could continually augment the scarcity of natural resources?

Q47 Since the earth is �??finite�?? there exists a theoretical _______________ for resource extraction and harvest and disposal of waste into the natural environment

Q48 Is NOT the maintenance of life support systems

Q49 Is NOT nonrenewable resources

Q50 The economy is assumed to depend on the environment for three of the following distinctive purposes EXCEPT ___________.

Q51 What is NOT the consequence that the humans are treated on pre-eminent in the natural environment?

Q52 The Neoclassical worldview of environmental economic relationship is ____________.

Q53 In the name of economic activity the environmental resources are transformed into ____________ goods

Q54 Which of the following economic functions is NOT discharged by the environment?

Q55 The environment is the supplier of all forms of resources like renewable and non-renewable.

Q56 In what form can the relationship between human economy and natural environment be explained?

Q57 The cultural superstructure does NOT include __________.

Q58 The components of Superstructure are EXCEPT ____________.

Q59 Which of the following is NOT a primary group structure?

Q60 The primary group can be a potent instrument in disseminating environmental education. Which of the following is NOT a function of the primary group?

Q61 There are NO limits to the rate to which materials can be recycled through the natural system

Q62 The ongoing reconfiguration of natural capital in the natural system means that the system also acts as a _____________ process

Q63 Humans can exist in isolation of the natural system because all economic (even non-economic) activities of man are not connected with the various other living and nonliving endowments of nature.

Q64 The by-products of an economic reconfiguration process is referred to as �??waste�?� .

Q65 One characteristics of the human economy is that it produces intended useful product and some _______________.

Q66 Which of the following resource is NOT regarded as natural capital?

Q67 The natural environment could be defined as physical, chemical, and biological surroundings that comprise the Earth�??s endowment of ___________ systems

Q68 The importance of land resource lies in the fact that it is the source of all our vital requirements EXCEPT ___________.

Q69 What is another name for Water Environment?

Q70 A major layer in the atmosphere is the ___________ layer which protects human, plants and other animals from hazardous radiation from the sun.

Q71 The atmosphere contains life-supporting __________ for plants and animals

Q72 The atmosphere reaches over __________ kilometre from the surface of the earth

Q73 What is another name for the Air Environment?

Q74 there are other two aspects that impact on the natural environment, these are: (a) Anthrosphere (b) _________ environment

Q75 The structure of the ______________ can be described in terms of its interdependent components, namely air, water, land living system and social structure

Q76 The ultimate limits to environmental resource availability are imposed by ___________.

Q77 Which of the following is not addressed in environmental economics?

Q78 As a sub discipline of economics, environmental economics originated early years of the so-called environmental ____________.

Q79 In order to account for the environmental impact of ___________ activities

Q80 Why did the classical and neo-classical economists underestimated the environmental issues of production and consumption?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

ENT308 TMA solution

ENT308 List of Questions

Latex formatted questions may not properly render

Q1 Many expert believe_______ is a necessary condition for family business continuity

Q2 Directing an enterprise should not be confused with everyday involvement in_______

Q3 Corporate_______ can be defined as a system of structures and processes

Q4 Family members are expected to maintain a sense of duty through being_______ to the family

Q5 _______ of family business explain how the company is directed control and reported

Q6 _______ is a common practice in families that create dilemmas both in the present and the future

Q7 An important part of managing _______ well lies in the commitment to accept change

Q8 The most common type of family business _______ are employment and exit policies

Q9 Managing business is about _______

Q10 The mistake that can be made in ownership of family business is to consider business ownership as a right rather than a_______

Q11 The primary venue in which the family exercises its ownership rights is the _______

Q12 The absence of _______ agency cost may be upset by principal agency problems that lead to managerial entrenchment

Q13 _______ literature has examined differences in risk taking behavior between family and non family firms

Q14 The challenges family businesses face can be grouped into _______ different categories

Q15 _______ is about wealth creation preservation growing and sustaining the families wealth

Q16 Almost every family business started as a small_______

Q17 The goal of family owners is based on a duty to pass on a _______ business to the next generation

Q18 Many families made their vision the guide to investment and_______actions

Q19 Developing a shared vision influences the families behavior by encouraging a long term perspective on _______

Q20 The famlies long term _______ can become competitive advantage to the business

Q21 The familys values are the familys _______

Q22 Family business that lacks multigenerational_______ can hardly be positional to the retain the competitive advantages

Q23 Agreed values are important to the next generation in_______ how the family work together

Q24 There is a classic line that many parents repeat when a_______ acts inappropriately

Q25 The family value sets the internal _______ of behavior so that members will want to expect from each other

Q26 Values are_______ to each family representing a narrative about how their behavior makes them successful

Q27 Family values are in many ways attempt to_______ who they are

Q28 A family business believe and value start with the_______

Q29 Family values are a source of_______ advantage to many successful businesses

Q30 When family _______ are extended into the business they provide a powerful source of strength

Q31 Some distinctive assets of family business include all except

Q32 One of the characteristics of a family business is their long term _______

Q33 _______ defined by behavior embedded in a business as a result of the leadership provided by family members

Q34 Control refers to the right and _______ family members derive from significant ownership and governance of the agency relationship

Q35 In economics large and small family own business creates significant amount of wealth and _______

Q36 The measure of a business is based on risk taking innovation and _______

Q37 _______ refers to the resources and capabilities that emerge when the family and the business coexit within the family business

Q38 Different businesses may have different _______ and means of doing business

Q39 The social capital theory addresses the_______ and exchange between individuals in a social network

Q40 The _______ theory is a theoretical approach that was used in the shcolarly study of family business

Q41 Culture refers to a _______ set of assumptions that guide the beliefs system of a group of people

Q42 The _______ plan of a family firm shows its long term goals

Q43 _______ is a role reflected in family members involvement in directing the relationship within the firm

Q44 A_______ team is hired to organize and coordinate all the affairs of a firm

Q45 _______ of a firm belongs to the person or group that holds the controlling shares

Q46 _______ culture measures the extent to which family values and business values overlap in a family firm

Q47 Power measures familys_______ in the firm through ownership

Q48 _______ refers to dominance

Q49 A strong family_______ is embedded in the natural demand placed on the family system at different levels

Q50 _______ which is central to all attributes of the family as a whole is based on strong ethics

Q51 An individual within a strong family_______ will be loyal to any organization

Q52 _______ is the force that binds a family togetehr

Q53 _______ refers to the recognition of a shared history and practices that connects individual family members

Q54 Stability represents those aspects of the family that ensures its_______ is preserved

Q55 _______ refers to the sense of permanence in any system

Q56 The_______ of the family is crucial and means of achieving this is to ensure that the family carries on its existence

Q57 The demand to carry on the family name leads to_______

Q58 Trust is viewed as one of the _______ advantage present within the family

Q59 _______ is crucial to the survival of every family unit

Q60 _______ creates a moral sense of right doing

Q61 _______ are planted into individuals within the family system and are expected to be upheld by each member of the family

Q62 Family _______ are usually viewed as positive attributes within the family system

Q63 _______ is a way of life built into individual family members

Q64 Family members are expected to maintain a sense of duty through being _______ to the family

Q65 _______ mother is a woman who bear a child for a couple where the wife is unable to do so

Q66 The legal system as has also made it possible to become a member of a family through _______

Q67 Ownership of the family unit is mainly by all except

Q68 A _______ is referred to as a permanent body consisting of individuals who are bound by obligation

Q69 Success recorded in family business includes the development of key research areas such as all except

Q70 Contribution to the theory of family business research in the last one decade includes the development of _______ theories and concept

Q71 The foundational _______ of family business was embedded in studies of behavioral pattern of small business owners

Q72 Recurrent issues associated with family business were mostly linked with all except

Q73 _______ issues associated with family businesses were mostly linked with ownership succession performance and governance

Q74 The family is involved to _______ control the business to facilitate generational transfer

Q75 The bull eye model was an employed _______ approach to access the contribution of family businesses

Q76 Family is summarized to be about _______ and social resources

Q77 Family business learn to lay more emphasis on a firm longevity and _______

Q78 In all markets family owned _______ in form of the bedrock of advancing economics

Q79 The family provides _______ resource which could be paid or unpaid for the business

Q80 The_______ business is the most prevalent form of business in the world
